Balancing on a Single Wheel:
The Magic of Inertia and Control
The One-Wheel Cubli project provides an experimental validation that a 3D inverted pendulum, featuring two degrees of freedom, can be stabilized on one of its corners using only a single reaction wheel.
This is achieved by carefully designing the mass moment of inertia in such a way that the inertia along the two principal tilt axes significantly differs. The consequence is a time-scale separation of the underlying tilt dynamics, which renders the underactuated system controllable. A theoretical investigation reveals that controllability is maximized when the ratio of the two principal inertia values amounts to the square of the silver ratio. A model-based control approach is applied that compensates for cantilever deflections, which arise from the lightweight design of the system.
Papers and Publications
M. Hofer, M. Muehlebach, and R. D’Andrea, The One-Wheel Cubli: A 3D inverted pendulum that can balance with a single reaction wheel, Mechatronics, 2023
03 March 2023, ETH Zurich
The One-Wheel Cubli balances with only a single reaction wheel
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11 December 2022, IEEE Spectrum
One-Wheel Cubli Balances Like Magic
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This video introduces the One-Wheel Cubli, a three-dimensional pendulum system that can balance using just a single reaction wheel. June 28, 2022
Start Date: 2015
End Date: 2023
Lead Researchers
Matthias Hofer
Michael Muehlebach
Raffaello D’Andrea
Michael Muhlebach
Raffaello D’Andrea
Additional Participants
Matthias Müller
Past Participants
Michael Egli
Marcus Aaltonen
Atif Ali
Daniel Wagner
Marc-Andrè Corzillius